Carrot top does anal

This collegue girl with carrot red hair and lily white skin is as far as can be from a nice and proper choir girl. A couple of hours ago she ran into a total stranger whom she invited over to her crib for a sexual encounter which will for sure fully occupy his mind for months or even years to come. After she gave him her address and what time to be there he patiently waited for their sex rendezvous to start. He is exactly on time ofcourse, and she has already spread out all the sex toys on the bedspread for them to play with. He immediately sees that that they are anal beads and a butt plug. She turns around and faces the wall, then pulls up her skirt and pushes her undies down towards her knees. With her white as snow, big butt high in the air he grabs the blue anal beads, spits on her throbbing, brown eye and proceeds to insert the beads. She wiggles her ass a bit to get into a more comfortable position. He pulls on the string a few times, then pulls it hard enough where they plop out. Then he takes the plastic butt plug and shoves it up her ass too. After using her butt muscles to push it out, she turns around and faces the camera. With a cute smile on her face she begins to undress. If you haven't already noticed, this jaw-dropping porno is filmed in cool POV style all the way through. Now it's time for the dude to stick his toungue inside her pink, moist snatch which she really seems to like. She returns the favor with a succulent blowjob, then gets on top to ride his huge, thick cock in the sexy, reverse cowgirl position. He screws her missionary and doggy-style then splashes a sticky, gooey creampie all over her tight, teen ass.

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Length: 11:38

Views: 18696

Added: 2016-08-23 20:32:02

Submitted By: Anonymous

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