Sex training session

A charming, brunette student is slipping her round, plump rump into a pair of sexy g-string undies, black shorts plus a matching, tight fitting top. She hears her muscular trainer knocking on the door which is perfect timing. She lets him in with a great smile and a big hello! Right away they start her training session with some back bending, stretching move. With her back arched and his hand gently pushing her back higher up, you are soon about to find out why she had that big grin on her face earlier! Suddenly you will see him stroke her smooth thighs and then remove her shorts and panties. In the next scene he is fast at work giving her a pussy drenching, tongue fuck. She returns the favor with a messy, rigid lipped blowjob which leads to more than a few fucking position, one with more deep reaching impact than the other. And her shaved snatch and bum crack looks absolutely awesome with that sticky creampie.

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Length: 10:10

Views: 10200

Added: 2016-03-08 12:50:24

Submitted By: Anonymous

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