Wild sex dreams

Always hot to trot, leggy blonde Kennedy has decided to give her new, dreamy neighbor something very special to occupy his daydreaming with. Looking all scantily clad, she enters through his sliding door window and makes sure to close it behind her so he can't make a quick run for it! Well it didn't really matter anyway, because she finds him fast asleep on his plush, white sofa. She carefully climbs on top of him and starts performing a sexy, private lapdance which for some strange reason doesn't wake him up! But after sticking her warm, long toungue down his throat, he's awake in less than a sec! Soon this horny bitch is grinding her hairy, landing strip vagina on his beasty meat slab in every sex position she can think off which results in a pussy creampie dripping down her slender thighs.

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Length: 10:01

Views: 9851

Added: 2016-02-17 20:22:32

Submitted By: Anonymous

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